Thursday, June 18, 2009

His purpose

This week's praise post will be a bit different. As I head back to work in a few days, I have to admit that I'm finding it hard to focus on the goodness of our Father. So I'm going to remind myself of the purpose God has placed on my life.

As a friend of mine pointed out - in reading my last post, some who don't know me may be questioning WHY I am returning to work anyway? Sure there's the financial aspect, that in order to stay living in our home, I NEED to make money. But of course there are always other options. I could increase my home business, I could quit my job, we could move to a smaller home and decrease our mortgage, God would provide and we'd be okay.

There's more to it than that, the other side of the story. God CALLED me to my job. The main reason I am on this earth is to worship my creator. The next reasons are to be a mother to my children, and a wife to my husband. But God has another purpose for me, and got me to where I need to be to fulfill that purpose. My job is a gift from God, the exact place He wants me to be right now. Because I have left my blog as public, I am purposefully not disclosing my profession (nor do I disclose my husband's name or my kids' names). I will say though that my job is to help people and it's a job that not everyone can do.

God opened so many doors for me, door which He could have closed easily, in my life to get me where I am now. And for that, through the tears and the emotions that come with my return to work, I praise Jesus that I have a job. Not just any job, THE JOB that He has called me to do. A job I LOVE and would probably keep even if a large sum of money came my way (although reducing my hours could be an option). It's the kind of job that I would do even if I wasn't getting paid. I thank God for the many opportunities He gives me to touch people's lives and to make a difference in this world. And if I even touch one life, if I am used by God to reach just one person, than my purpose in life is fulfilled. And it's all worth it. Worth the time away from my husband and kids, worth the risk that comes with my job, worth the long hours, the sleep loss.

And on my days off, I STILL get to be a Mom! How perfect is that?

So praise God that I'm going back to work on Tuesday!

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